PHPStorm was not cloning a new git repo correctly. Every time I would go through the open from version control process, the window would just disappear. I figured that the glitch was probably due to having recently installed a good chunk of Mac updates (Mavericks OS X 10.9 / Xcode / normal 25 Java Updates) and also an upgraded PHPStorm. I was lazy and just opened SourceTree to do my work for a few days. Eventually in an attempt to troubleshoot (mostly because I was tired of pressing “command-R” to scan all my files for changes), I dropped to the command line to skip the PHPStorm GUI and clone the repo. To my surprise, I received the following:
Agreeing to the Xcode/iOS license requires admin privileges, please re-run as root via sudo.
Which I don’t want to do on my clone command because then my permissions will be incorrect on my clone (yes, I know it is only like 40 characters to fix it). Most likely I could have run ‘sudo git’ or ‘sudo git –version’ and agreed to the license but in my fit of rage I decided to go straight to the source by opening Xcode. After what always seemed like eternity, it gave me the license and I was good to clone. Naturally, I couldn’t close Xcode again without being prompted to install more stuff.
I need to check why PHPStorm is using that version of git – I thought it had its own. (If anyone knows, please comment – I will probably not actually check.)
SourceTree kept working like a champ because it was using an embedded version instead of the system version.
While I am complaining – anyone else bothered by “Mavericks” versus “Maverick” and why isn’t it a cat (I guess we are doing places now)? I was hoping for OS X Peterbald or OS X Scottish Fold.
First world software problems, I guess.
Other steps I should have followed:
Choosing a PHP Editor (
The post GIT Stops Working on Mac OS X appeared first on Thomas Loughlin.